中国会展经济国际合作论坛 (CHINA EXPO FORUM FOR INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION,简称CEFCO),由中国国际贸易促进委员会(CCPIT)、国际展览业协会(UFI)、国际展览与项目协会(IAEE)、独立组展商协会(SISO)以及国际大会及会议协会(ICCA)共同主办,每届均有近千名来自世界各地的会展界知名人士参加。CEFCO 秉承“开放、合作、共赢”的理念,积极架构中外会展业交流与合作平台,已成为国内外会展人不可缺席的年度盛会。
根据法国1901年7月1日颁布的关于协会组织的法律,UFI 作为非政治性的国际协
5 万个会展工作者,并与62个全国性和地区性的会展行业协会会员机构有着紧密联
系。UFI 在全球85个国家和地区,拥有770家会员机构,其中有180多家会员机构
“UFI Approved” 的标志,这象征着其拥有高质量的观众和参展商。UFI会员一直
UFI 总部位于法国,设有三个区域办事处 – 亚太区办事处位于香港特别行政区(中
Union of international Fairs
UFI was established in Italy in 1925 as a non-political international association in
accordance with the French law of 1 July 1901 on associations. Today, UFI is the
leading global association of the world's tradeshow organisers and exhibition centre
operators, as well as major national and international exhibition associations, and
selected partners of the exhibition industry.
UFI's main goal is to represent, promote and support the business interests of its
members and the exhibition industry. UFI directly represents around 50,000
exhibition industry employees globally, and also works closely with its 62 national
and regional association members. UFI represents 777 member organisations in
84 countries and regions, of which more than 180 member organisations are in
Over 921 UFI approved (International) events proudly bear the UFI approved labels,
a recognised symbol of quality for visitors and exhibitors alike. UFI members continue
to provide the international business community with a unique marketing media aimed
at developing outstanding face-to-face business events.
UFI headquarters is based in France, it has three regional offices – the Asia/Pacific
office is located in Hong Kong (China), the Latin American Office located in Bogota
(Columbia) and the Middle East/Africa office located in Dubai (UAE). UFI also has a
China Service Centre located in Shanghai (China).
Official Website: www.ufi.org
International Association of Exhibitions and Events
IAEE is the largest association of the exhibitions and events industry in the world, with a membership of show organizers, exhibitors and exhibition suppliers. Organizers of more than 20,000 exhibitions and buyer-seller events around the world are members of IAEE, and the organization advocates and promotes the awareness of face-to-face exhibitions and events as the primary medium for business development and growth. IAEE provides relevant, timely, and innovative education to its members and the industry.
Official Website: www.iaee.com
SISO的200家会员公司或企业目前已在世界各地举办数千场活动。 SISO的使命是通过提供同行交流机会、专业培训、行业信息、业务流程精简和行业最佳实践等相关服务,满足会员的共同需求。
Society of independent show organizers
SISO members include companies, corporations and other for-profit entities that own, produce or provide full-service management of “face-to-face” trade shows, consumer shows, expositions, conferences and events. SISO membership is a combination of large corporations and small entrepreneurial enterprises that do business around the world.
SISO's 200-member companies produce thousands of events around the world. SISO's Mission, is to meet the common needs of our members, by providing peer networking opportunities, education, industry information, streamlined business processes and best practices in the industry.
Official Website: www.siso.org
国际大会及会议协会 (ICCA)是国际会议产业的全球领导者,在全球近100个国家和地区拥有1100多家会员。作为会议产业的领导组织和知识枢纽,ICCA可提供高质量的产业数据、专业培训、沟通渠道、业务发展和交流机会。
ICCA的会员涵盖全球协会会议领域的主要参与者。ICCA专业协会社区于2020年成立,致力于为专业协会举办世界级会议 提供协助和资源。
The International Congress and Convention Association
The International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) is the global leader for the
international meetings industry with more than 1,100 member companies and organisations in
nearly 100 countries and territories. As the community and knowledge hub for the industry,
ICCA offers unrivalled data, education, communication channels, business development and
networking opportunities.
ICCA encompasses all major stakeholders in the world of association meetings. Launched
in 2020, the ICCA Association Community provides the tools and resources to assist
associations in organising world-class meetings.
Since its establishment in 1963, ICCA has represented the world’s top destinations and
experienced suppliers specialising in handling, transporting, and accommodating
international meetings and events.
Official Website: www.iccaworld.org